Do you like reading testimonies of others who have experienced their breakthrough?
Click Here to visit the Testimonies pages on the Hannah’s Victory web site for a whole range of testimonies to encourage you in your journey.
Do you like reading testimonies of others who have experienced their breakthrough?
Click Here to visit the Testimonies pages on the Hannah’s Victory web site for a whole range of testimonies to encourage you in your journey.
It is with great joy that i announce to you the birth of our long awaited miracle, Hannah who was born on May 25th 2010. God is faithful and true to His word. I will just brief you on my journey to motherhood. I joined the on-line support group in June 2007 after having had 3 miscarriages. I got pregnant again in Dec 2007 only to miscarry in January 2008. After this, my husband and I had all kind of tests done to determine the cause of the miscarriages and at the end of all the tests i was told that my FSH was a bit high and i had fibroids. My husband on the other hand was told that he had male factor issues. I proceeded to have surgery to remove the fibroids in April of 2008. I then conceived in August, 4 months after the surgery only to miscarry in December 08 at about 17 weeks. I was devastated beyond words. In the previous pregnancies i had never gone beyond 9 weeks so it was a complete shock for me and my husband. My faith was tested to the limit and for about 2 weeks following this I could not bring myself to pray but deep down in my heart I knew that I needed God more than anything and that i couldn’t go on without Him. By God’s Grace, i slowly picked myself up and got back into the word and prayer. Thank God for Nerida and this group because the messages I would read gave me a lot of encouragement and kept my faith strong.
In August last year my husband and I moved from the U.S to Canada. I conceived the following month in September and when i went for an ultrasound at 6 and a half weeks i was told that there was no heartbeat. I refused to believe this report and kept confessing the word of God saying that i shall not miscarry or be barren in the land. Every time fear came over me, i would rebuke it and confess the word of God. I went back for another ultrasound 2 weeks later and there was a live baby with a healthy heartbeat.
My doctor in the U.S had said that the moment i got pregnant i would be put on bed rest and would need to take Heparin shots daily. My husband and I trusted God that i would not need any of this and i even travelled overseas to go to Africa and came back after 5 weeks with no problems. My pregnancy went so smoothly. I kept confessing the word daily and of course fear would grip me every now and then but i would rebuke that fear every time. I turned 38 on May 9th and gave birth two weeks later. Ladies, let’s continue to hold fast to the confession of our Hope without wavering!
My dear friend Bron writes:
It is with great Joy and sweet victory, that we proudly introduce our beautiful miracle baby – Reigan Isabelle . After 5 miscarriages, numerous IVF attempts and a cervical stenosis – which is a condition where scar tissue has built up in your cervix, fusing it shut, God has been forever faithful and amazingly GOOD. I fell pregnant without any intervention and carried Reigan full term after a fantastic pregnancy. I was strongly advised to have an elective cesarian, because of the cervical stenosis, but after standing throughout the pregnancy, on what my God has said and already done for me, I believed that I was completely healed from this condition. After an internal during labour, the midwife said I was 4 cms dilated and that she had never felt a cervix so soft and ready to go – so much, that when she moved her fingers my whole cervix just opened – what a miracle. Reigan was born very quickly after that. Praise God for what He’s done, stand firm on His word and NEVER give up, despite the circumstances – He is completely faithful – We are living proof of that, and Reigan is indeed His word, manifested.
Anonymous from Singapore writes:
We have been trying for a child for about 1.5 years. It doesn’t sound long but we were under some pressure from friends and relatives around us.Colleagues would make comments like on our age and its time for a child. When faced with such questions, we cannot find an answer. Yes, we have been trying lots of ways, we prayed about it but I believe that it is not within our control. My uncle is a member of:-
My uncle is a member of New Creation church and he invited me to your talk last year (November 5th and 6th 2008). I was a little bit reluctant as I stayed rather far away from town, it would be rather late by the time I get home and I have to get up very early for work the next day. However, i decided to attend in the end as I want to know what you talk is about and I was looking forward to some practical advice. At the same time, we had been scheduled to do a body check and my husband, a sperm count the same month.
I enjoyed your talk a lot and I thanked God that you came to Singapore. When you prayed for healing for us, I could feel a warm and fuzzy feeling filling my body and I started crying. I did wonder a second if I was going to conceive soon.
From young, my timing of my menses was always in a haywire state. It was suppose to come during the first week (during your talk) but it did not. So, I did a pregnancy test one week after. It was negative. I was rather disappointed as I thought that the warm and fuzzy feeling should mean something. I decided to check again the week before my husband was scheduled for a sperm check and by the grace of of God, the test was positive. I was pregnant. It was a miracle for us and God is truly faithful. Praise the Lord!
I gave birth on 5/8/09. I prayed that my wound would not hurt and true enough, there was not much pain for me to go through. Praise Lord! My son is now 7 weeks old. When I look at him, I am constantly reminded of God’s love and faithfulness for us. I hope that my testimony can help those who are trying and trust that the Lord will work things out for them.
Rachel writes:
About 6 years ago, while Brett & I were dating Brett told me that he had a very small chance of being able to father children naturally. To me being a mother was always a given. It was what I dreamed of from the time I was a little girl. Soon after we married, we started trying for children. Spiritually, we were praying & believing God, confessing scriptures & building up our faith. In the natural, we had numerous tests and sought advice from fertility specialists, went through IVF cycles & over a period of 3 years things got progressively worse.
In September 2008, after 3 1⁄2 years of trying for a baby, the doctor diagnosed me with a condition inside my uterus, Adenomyosis (which had not previously been picked up) which meant that I had a very small chance of being able to conceive a baby, about 1-2{986488c0930dd05a490dee74a82cae35a322667352f0a9ef8fd8fc1c1bc018bc}, and the only treatment for this condition was quite radical surgery for someone my age, who had not had any children. So now, in the natural, between us there was a very small chance of ever being able to conceive. This was a really low point for me. My faith & patience had been tested to what I felt was my “breaking point” At this time I knew that I had a make a choice – was I going to believe the doctor’s report & be fearful, discouraged & anxious OR was I going to be BELIEVE the Word of God & BELIEVE that Jesus had paid the price for ALL my sickness & disease? I chose to, once again, FIX MY EYES ON JESUS & believe God – I continued thanking Him for my children, praising Him & confessing that I AM A JOYFUL MOTHER OF CHILDREN.
During a time of prayer one night the I read this scripture Psalm 102:12-13 “But you O Lord sit enthroned forever; your renown endures through all generations. You will arise and have compassion on Zion (Rachel), for IT IS TIME to show favor to her, the APPOINTED TIME HAS COME” The next day I was due to have a pregnancy test & I held fast to this promise, the appointed time had come. That next day, the 12th December, Brett & I received the news that we had been waiting almost 4 years to hear – we were pregnant!!!
My pregnancy was a great time of joy & blessing (something that I had confessed over myself during the waiting period) However, in the first trimester, I experienced bleeding on 3 separate occasions. Brett & I prayed & believed together that our baby was growing healthy & strong. Once again I held fast to Psalm 102 & confessed that “the appointed time had come”
During pregnancy I believed God for a supernatural delivery. At 34 weeks our obstetrician advised against a natural delivery due to some complications with the cord. After initially being a little upset I decided to change my confessions for a caesarean delivery. God is SO FAITHFUL & after the birth I read through my confessions & prayer points & God answered EVERY THING that I was believing for.
Today, our precious little miracle, Sophia Eve is almost 4 months old. Sophia is an absolute joy
Brandi M writes:
I’ve been a member of your group for a couple of years now. I joined after finding your website when I FINALLY got pregnant with my son after a miscarriage and then three years of trying to conceive. I was told after a year of fertility drugs, then drugs coupled with intrauterine insemination, laproscopic surgery that revealed endometriosis, and a HSG, that they only way I would possibly conceive would be through IVF. My husband and I are devout Christians and thought we had given our fertility issues to the Lord when we first conceived and miscarried… but we realized that we had been putting our faith in man all those years by taking the drugs, and moving forward with procedures. I had finally gotten to a point where I would have tried anything, including acupuncture, but praise the Lord for some very Godly friends. They suggested that instead of being poked with needles, I have my husband lay hands on me and pray for my physical health and for the conception of a baby. I’m here to testify that 2 weeks after my husband prayed for my body, my ovaries, my uterine lining, my egg, after praying for a baby boy to be born before the next summer , we conceived!! I found out just a couple weeks afterwards and began praying the scripture from Exodus 23:25-26 [You shall serve Yahweh your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from your midst. No one will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will fulfill the number of your days.] in order to believe that I would not miscarry again nor would I deliver prematurely, etc. The pregnancy was exceedingly successful!! We delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy on April 9 (before that next summer!). I had a totally natural delivery, and he weighed 7lbs, 5oz. We named him Samuel, just as Hannah did.
Samuel is now almost 22 months old and a joy to all who know him. We fully believe the following verse fits Samuel: “He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord,” Luke 1:14-15 We know our God is good and gracious. He truly wants our hearts to be satisified. He places the desires in our hearts (our preacher once said “de” means “of” and “sire” means “the father”) and will fulfill that desire in His timing. The only thing that can make our testimony better is to let you know that my husband and I found out this past August that we are pregnant again! It was a total surprise!! I didn’t think I could have a baby without praying it here!! We found out in November that this is a precious baby girl. We are so excited to welcome her to our family!
Baby Eliana Celeste M was born 2nd May. 7lbs 10oz, 21 inches long.
Amy B writes:
I just wanted to share with you the awesome news that I AM PREGNANT! Rewind back to November 6, the day we received the news that my husbands sperm count was very low, in addition to that the test results indicated that they had slow forward progression. All I remember was the shock, and hearing them try to comfort me with the world’s comfort by saying that we most likely could conceive with IVF. They actually said that IUI would not even be an option because the results were too poor. That was not comforting to me. We had only been trying for 4 months at that point and my husbands test was just precautionary because I was having some spotting issues and the doctor indicated that they should take a look at my husband because he had seen women over and over have tests when in the end there was a sperm problem. So the news was unexpected and shocking.
I did alright for the first week until my period came 1 week later and then I completely broke down. I was feeling depressed, defeated and satan had me convinced that I may get pregnant but it wouldn’t be until we endured some horrific trial. (Satan is such a liar, man does he ever know how to make us feel horrible). My husband was very concerned for me. He rejected the diagnosis right away and said that you will get pregnant and have my babies and never had a doubt. That is definitely not my testimony. After 2 weeks, I realized that I can’t continue like this I felt miserable. We called our friends the husband is a pastor just starting a small church and they agreed with us in prayer, that was my starting point. Oddly enough we did not call one of the many pastors at my own church because I needed someone who would BELIEVE and to be honest our church does not teach very boldly on healing. Up until a few months ago I didn’t have a realization that I WAS ALREADY HEALED. After being a Christian almost my entire life up until a few months ago I really didn’t realize all that was actually finished on the cross. I still can’t believe how much was taken care of by Jesus giving himself freely to die on the cross.
I believe more then anything that I received my miracle from God’s grace and the finished work of the cross. I didn’t do anything to bring it on but I was determined to receive. If Jesus suffered so horrible for not only my sins, but his body was broken for my healing and he was nailed to a tree to redeem me from the curse then I was determined to have what he went through such a horrible ordeal to give me. The Word says that we have the righteousness of Christ therefore Jesus qualified me for all of the blessings including fruitfulness.
It took me many hours (in the hundreds) over the past few months to renew my mind and build my faith in order to believe. My husband faith was so much simpler. I had a few moments of doubt but each time my husband said Amy you need to resist Satan, he would have me repeat after him some truths from the Word.
I received Nerida’s message on God’s Timing and that spoke so much to me. Initially like I said I believed God would give me a child but a feared that a horrible trial would have to take place first. I was set free by the message that I am not waiting for God, he already did everything. He already answered. It brought me to tears many times thinking about how I didn’t need to wait. I started saying right away to anyone that knew of our situation that I didn’t have to wait. Jesus already went to the cross so we could have our healing right away and our children. I kept Nerida’s advice and only told people with a strong belief in God’s Word. Every person upon hearing the bad news immediately said that that was not true and that we would have babies. I know that there was many praying in the spirit for us and believed even when I was struggling.
3 weeks ago when worshipping and praying I really felt in my spirit like it was being confirmed that “it is done for you according to the word, and that this was it”. My best friend who often time has had accurate dreams, 2 days before I tested called to tell me that she was sure I was pregnant that she had a very clear dream. After we told my husband’s parents the news, they were so excited, my mother and law told me that one of the women she had asked to be praying told her the week we conceived that it was done and she would be having a grandchild
very soon.
I am so incredibly blessed and thankful to God for guiding me over the past few months. He led me to this ministry. Please be encouraged God is no respecter of persons and I know that what he did for me, he already did for you as well.
Jane writes:
My diagnosis consisted of hormonal imbalance, high FSH, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine scarring, ovarian failure, etc. Just about everything! A reproductive endocrinologist and told me that I had a 4{986488c0930dd05a490dee74a82cae35a322667352f0a9ef8fd8fc1c1bc018bc} chance of ever conceiving with my eggs. I had two failed rounds of IVF and was devastated. But I started to apply some of the teaching from New Life Ministries. I read my Bible and applied my faith.
I found a new doctor who was a Christian, and he told me that I would be able to conceive with my own eggs. God had healed me and turned around my diagnosis. I had a third round of IVF and this time it was successful. I was pregnant. My son, Xavier Azariah, was born on 23 December. (Azariah is Hebrew for ‘My help comes from Jehovah’.)
In the summer 2 years later my husband and I talked about having another child. I remember saying to God one day, ‘Lord, I really don’t want to do any more IVF.’ And that was it. I didn’t really pray hard about conception. Shortly after this, I went for my annual check-up and was told I was pregnant (without knowing it!) and the ultrasound revealed that there were 2 heartbeats! I was having twins. I had wanted twins from the time I was a little girl. God remembers your heart, and He renewed my faith and my absolute love and honour for Him with this.
I had a son and a daughter (another desire of my heart) – Kingsley and Karrington have joined their brother Xavier!
Anna L in the UK wrote:
When I came across the New Life Ministries website I had been trying to conceive for 2 ½ years. I had been diagnosed with unexplained fertility and was at a real low point. After reading testimonies on the website, joining the WIF online group and reading Nerida’s book God’s Plan for Pregnancy I began to see that it was God’s will for me to have my own children. I started to believe the many scriptures about fertility for my own situation. In June I went to the NLM UK conference which was a powerful time of prayer, teaching, ministry, testimony and worship. There I learnt to take my eyes off my circumstances and focus them on God and on what Jesus did on the cross 2,000 years ago. At around that time I had a picture of Jesus handing me my baby, and my husband, separately, had a similar vision. We came to a point where we knew that it was only a matter of time before we conceived, and we began to love and trust our heavenly Father and his Word in a way that we never had done before. A verse that stood out for us at this time was: ‘Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:33, NIV).
Throughout this time, the Holy Spirit revealed things in my life that he wanted to deal with. I was healed from depression, set free from a fear of pregnancy and motherhood, and there was reconciliation with a close family member. I also improved my diet, took vitamin supplements, did more exercise and lost some weight.
Soon I discovered I was pregnant by God’s grace. I am so thankful and praise the Lord for his faithfulness to his promises. I am also truly grateful for the work of this ministry. Anna gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Daniel in 2008.
Anna gave birth again the following year.
Deb writes:
We had been trying to have a baby since June 2001. We had a 10 week miscarriage in October 2001 and then 7 AIH and 2 IVF cycles. On the second one we were successful. After a very sick pregnancy, our precious baby was stillborn at 26 weeks. I had felt no movement for 2 days and we went to the hospital and found no heartbeat. Matthew was 690 grams and – apart from no heartbeat – looked perfect. We grieved for our baby and for the hopes we had for the future – ‘just’ falling pregnant again seemed impossible but still our goal.
We had a frozen embryo transfer 4 months after that and when that was unsuccessful I went on the contraceptive pill for 3 weeks to bring on the next cycle without delay so we could try again. After I stopped taking the pill I waited for my period. After 5 days I started to wonder – on the sixth day I did a pregnancy test and was shocked that I was pregnant! The pregnancy was difficult both emotionally and physically as I was very sick again and had some early bleeding. Once I made it past the 26 weeks I started to feel more confident. At 36 weeks the doctor was a little concerned about the baby’s size and I had a scan that revealed the baby was about 2 weeks too small and although the placenta seemed to be functioning fine we decided to have our baby induced 2 weeks early. On 22 March 2005, our beautiful baby girl was born, Zoe (meaning life) Grace. She is an absolute delight and worth the struggle and the journey!