What is a Miscarriage?
The Word miscarriage also known, as a spontaneous abortion is the term used for pregnancy loss. It is when your body has been unable to carry your baby until the full term of the pregnancy. In other words to give birth prematurely. The full duration of a pregnancy is 40 weeks gestation. It is estimated that one in four pregnancies either end in miscarriage or stillbirth. A miscarriage usually begins with bleeding and period like cramping, which intensifies until blood clots and tissue pass. Sometimes the baby may die and the mother’s body still progresses with the pregnancy as if there is nothing wrong. An ultrasound usually detects this tragedy. If the body fails to reject the baby then a “D and C” (dilate and curettage) will be performed. This is where the doctors have to surgically remove the tissue and the blood filled uterine lining. If any of the tissue remains there is a high risk of infection and damage to the uterus.
I don’t think that anyone fully understands why a baby dies or a miscarriage occurs. Sometimes there is no explanation. Just because you may have miscarried doesn’t necessarily mean that you will miscarry again. For those of you who are hesitant on conceiving again you may find it encouraging to know that many women who have experienced miscarriage go on to have a successful pregnancy next time around.
There are constructive steps that you can take to feel positive about falling pregnant either for the first time or after a previous miscarriage. If you have experienced miscarriage it is important that you don’t try to analyse what’s happened or get into condemnation but begin to build up your faith in preparation for your next pregnancy. This is the most positive step that you can take. You will need to do this so that you will not be anxious or fearful of miscarriage during your next pregnancy.
If you have experienced miscarriage you might want to get some medical advice so that if there is a sickness or complication you know exactly what to pray for. However there is not always a conclusive reason for miscarriage. Generally, tests are not performed until a woman has suffered three consecutive miscarriages. Some women have trouble in certain areas and praying for specifics is necessary. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight what needs to be covered in your pregnancy. He will teach you how to pray effectively.
It is also beneficial to pray for the development of your baby. Praying for the growth of your baby and the protection of miscarriage goes hand in hand because your baby needs to implant and develop properly for the pregnancy to progress. Praying for your baby to implant in the perfect place in your uterine wall is also worthwhile. If your baby implants in the fallopian tube this can be a serious condition if left undetected. The baby can’t survive, the tube can explode and the mother may bleed to death. Another serious condition is when a baby implants too low near the cervix. Not only will a vaginal delivery may be impossible but also the placenta may fail to grow up the uterine wall and cover the cervix instead. The placenta needs to be implanted in the uterine wall so it can continue to nourish the baby and keep it alive.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_accordion collapsible=”yes” title=”What God Says…”][vc_accordion_tab title=”Is it God’s Will to Miscarry?”][vc_column_text]Exo 23:25-26 Worship the LORD your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.
Just because we are Christians doesn’t mean we are automatically protected from miscarriage. We live in a fallen world where miscarriage, sickness, disease and other complications can happen to any one of us. However, the good news is that we don’t have to accept the natural course of events or hope for the best because through Jesus finished work we can receive a different outcome. Isaiah 53:4-5 tells us that Jesus has paid the price for ALL sickness and disease and this includes miscarriage!
We need to apply God’s truth to our life by faith because it will not manifest on its own. First we need to receive a personal revelation so we have that “knowing” and witness in our spirit that it is not God’s will for us to miscarry. This belief must be on the Word of God – not on feelings or man’s words because it will help us to keep focused on God’s truths rather than on our natural circumstances.
Even though many know what God’s Word says about miscarriage they still feel that in certain situations it is His will for some to miscarry. But James 1:17 tells us that, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”. This means that ONLY good and perfect gifts come from God! Miscarriage for whatever reason is not a good gift and it never will be! Whenever the Bible mentions children it says that they are a gift and a reward from God (Psa 127:3). God does not want us to be in fear during the pregnancy or in fear over the life of our unborn baby. He created us to conceive, carry and give birth to healthy children. This was His original plan. It was through the fall of Adam and Eve which opened the way for all forms of sickness and disease to manifest in our lives. The simple truth is that a miscarriage occurs due to a sickness, disease or complication in the mother or baby, not because of the “will” of God. God cannot change His mind or go back on His Word! His Word and character always remain the same (Mal 3:6). Therefore, according to His unchanging nature and character – He will NEVER “will” us to miscarry or to bear sick children.
We need to understand that we can’t use our personal experiences to measure God’s Word. We also shouldn’t blame Him when we don’t understand why a miscarriage occurred. The Bible tells us that God gives life not takes life. God is bound by His Word, He will not alter His promises.
Numbers 23:19 says that “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”
If we say that it was God’s will that we miscarried, we are accusing him of killing our baby by withholding the healing blood of Jesus and by breaking the promises in His Word. There are many reasons for not receiving healing, and many circumstances that hinder us from receiving a miracle, but none are because God decided to break or alter His Word. He has made a choice to bind Himself by His Word. I pray this truth will set you free!
There is more information on God’s unchanging character and will and how you can experience victory over miscarriage in my book God’s Plan for Pregnancy. I cover God’s plan of redemption for mankind in all areas of childbearing and on how to apply it to you life. Visit our shop for more information.[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”What to do in Threatened Miscarriage”][vc_column_text]In the event of a threatened miscarriage your circumstances might look disheartening, but don’t give up hope! Keep resting and believing in Jesus – for NOTHING is impossible with-God!
Below I have listed some things to help remind you of who you are in Christ and what you have already inherited as a believer so you don’t lose sight of the victory. Please note that these are brief points only but I believe they will still help you to shift your focus from the natural to the spiritual realm of God’s Kingdom. If you would like more information, these points are listed in detail in the Miscarriage Chapter in my book God’s Plan for Pregnancy.
Please note that I have not presented these steps as a formula for you to follow to attain your desired result. Following a formula or steps without revelation is not only powerless but also leads to frustration. Therefore, I encourage you to spend time meditating on the truth of what God’s Word says so that this information can become revelation and then transform your life!
- Remember the finished work of the Cross!
- Labour to stay in rest! It is not by “your” might or power but by God’s Spirit at work in you!
- Don’t be ruled by fear.
- Meditate and keep focused on the truth of God’s Word.
- Remember your authority. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places..
- Remember the power of your words. We exercise authority over any situation by our words and what we say!
- Be anxious for nothing! ‘And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’ (Phil 4:6).
- Praise and worship. Worship doesn’t change God but it sure changes you!
- Thank God. Give God the glory and thank Him for what He has already provided for you as His child.
- Medical help. If necessary, call your doctor or hospital for advice. Be careful to guard your mind over any negative remarks because the natural report doesn’t have to be your final report. Make God’s Word your final authority. Don’t allow your circumstances or diagnosis to be greater than the power of God and His Word.
- Remember God is good and He loves you. Regardless of what you go through, God’s love is always there for you.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”Miscarriage Prayer”][vc_column_text]Miscarriage Prayer!
Through Jesus finished work we have everything we need to be able to walk in victory over miscarriage. This means that we don’t have to always accept the natural circumstances and wait for the natural course of events to take place. We can exercise our God-given authority over our body and over our unborn baby.
Below is a prayer I have created to help you to pray with authority in the event of a threatened miscarriage. I pray this will help you to pray, strengthen your faith and enable you to experience the breakthrough you need!
Threatened Miscarriage Prayer
Ezek 16:6 Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, ‘Live!’
Baby in the name of Jesus I prophecy the Word of God over your life by professing that you will live and not die and proclaim what the Lord has done.
I resist miscarriage and the symptoms of miscarriage and I command you to bow down to the name of Jesus and leave!
Body: I command every part of you to function the way God created you to function because ‘you are fearfully and wonderfully made’. That means every hormone is to get into balance and function perfectly not only during my pregnancy and delivery but for the rest of my life!
Jesus is the Word of God so I speak the life of Jesus into my womb, which says I will NOT miscarry.
I receive healing over any complication within my body and my baby’s body.
Lord I thank you that you have given me power and authority over sickness and disease and over all the power of the enemy and that I don’t have to be subject to my natural circumstances.
I take authority over fear and oppression for they are under my feet for I have not been given a spirit of fear but I have been given a spirit of love, power, a sound mind and self-control.
I choose not to be anxious for anything. I receive Jesus’ perfect peace that guards my heart and mind in Him!
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